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Hello šŸ‘‹šŸ»

My name is Sahil Iā€™m B.Tech CSE student specializing in CyberSecurity.

My main focus lies in the areas of Web Application Security, Network Penetration Testing, and Red Team Exercises, Iā€™m passionate about computer security and am mostly self-taught in the area.

I actively participate in various hackathons, CTFs and I am also an active player @hackthebox with rank Pro Hacker and @tryhackme with rank Guru


I will document here my learning experiences, challenges, projects, or just research in my spare time. These posts will also help me in learning the topics throughly. I hope you enjoy the posts and hopefully learn something new. Also, feedback is much appreciated!

You can reach out to me at [email protected] or ping me at twitter sahil_s_rawat

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